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Effective Immediately: Israel Lifts Red COVID-19 Designation to Spain, France, Canada, Hungary, Portugal, South Africa and Nigeria.

The Israeli Ministry of Health decided that effective Immediately, Spain, France, Canada, Hungary, Portugal, Nigeria and South Africa will be taken off the Red List of Countries that Israel considers as being the highest risk for coronavirus infection.

This decision will enable all visitors from these countries to travel to Israel from the coming Sunday, January 9, 2022 subjected to meeting the Israeli green pass requirement .

Foreign nationals arriving from these countries that already have B-1 work visas + multiple entry visas can travel (return) to Israel effective immediately. 


The UAE, U.S., Ethiopia, UK, Tanzania, Mexico, Switzerland, and Turkey will remain red countries, effectively banned from travel to Israel. There is no indication of when the government was planning to lift the restrictions on the remaining countries yet. Visitors from these red countries will continue to require advance special permission from an Israeli committee to enter the country.


KTA specialists expect that Israel will lift the red covid designation from the US by mid-January 2022. 


Best Regards,


Amit Acco, Senior Partner


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